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Name: Djinn
Species: Unknown
Breed: Unknown
Age: Infinite
Sire: None
Dam: None
Mate: None
Offspring: Nevermore
Personality: Djinn can be a bit of a dastardly fellow. He feels very little remorse for others and is quick to take advantage of their weaknesses. Djinn has the power to manipulate the perception of his victims. He could give them the most pleasant thoughts, or the most horrible nightmares. Generally though, he chooses the latter. He enjoys watching others suffer.
Position: Divine
History: Djinn is Immortal, and has been around since the dawn of time. His entire life has consisted of one endless nightmare. In the beginning, he absolutely loathed his powers and his immortality. He hated that he had to kill to survive. For a brief time, he decided that he would at least allow his victims pleasant dreams before their demise. But after awhile of killing, and watching all of those he 'tolerated'** die around him, he grew bitter. Angry. He stopped caring about who he took, and what they went through. He wanted them to experience all of the horrors that he had.

**He generally cares more about certain lives than he cares to admit. A 'tolerance' to him, is a deep connection. One he has only shared with few in his life time.


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